NaNoWriMo Furlough

/ Thursday, November 10, 2011 /

If you haven't noticed, the posts have been slow coming the last few weeks. On the internet, it is National Novel Writing Month and I am attempting to write a second novel in 30 days. It's brutal and has consumed much of my free time this month already.

From now until the end of November, I beg your pardon. I will try to update once a week though and keep the Twitter stream flowing more often than that.

Thank you.

Possible places Peregrine Falcons can nest

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In a previous post, I announced that Manchester Oblique would be helping crowd source a map for possible Peregrine Falcon nesting locations. Readers could submit pictures and addresses of buildings, more than eight stories high or 80 feet tall, and the 5th grade class at Webster Elementary will use these photos and locations to build a map as part of an Urban Wildlife program that is being headed by Helen Dalbeck of Amoskeag Fishways.

Here are the photos, but we need more! If you see a building meeting the requirements above, please send a pic and an address and I'll add it here.

More photos after the jump.

1750 Elm St. by Helen Dalbeck

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